Det bliver endnu nemmere at sikre genanvendelse af fiskekasser af EPS.

EPS-branchen og Danish Seafood Association tager næste skridt i samarbejdet for at øge genanvendelse af fiskekasser af EPS. I fælles skriv til slutbrugerne fortæller vi her om, hvorfor fiskekasser af EPS anvendes – og samtidig gives slutbrugerne adgang vejledning fra EPS-branchen ang. genanvendelsesløsninger og -muligheder.


Medlemmer af Danish Seafood Association kan fremover henvise deres kunder til EPS-branchen, som så vil hjælpe deres kunder (slutbrugerne af EPS fiskekasserne), hvis de har brug for hjælp ift. at sikre genanvendelse af fiskekasser af EPS.

Hjælpen gælder i hele verden, hvor EPS-branchen har et bredt netværk af kontakter – og efter bedste evne vil bistå med vejledning og sparring om konkrete løsninger.

I brevet skriver vi bl.a.:

“EPS fish boxes – ensures food quality

Fish boxes made of EPS – expanded polystyrene – consist of 98% air and only 2% polystyrene. The packaging is selected on the basis of a number of professional criteria, the most important of which is that the EPS fish boxes ensure that the cooling chain is maintained, and thereby guarantee a high food quality when the fresh fish reach the customer.

It is absolutely central to the Danish fishing industry that there can be no doubt about the quality of the fish boxes used. Therefore, on the part of the Danish Seafood Association, together with the
Danish EPS industry (EPS-branchen), we want to ensure that the choice of EPS as packaging for fish is made on an informed basis.

The overriding reason for the choice of EPS, consisting of 98% air, is that it has unique insulating properties. It therefore provides a temperature-controlled packaging that can ensure an unbroken cooling chain.

In addition, EPS has the following properties, which make it ideal for packaging fish:

  • With 98% air, the material is light. A fish box of EPS weighs approx. 2.8% of the weight of the fish transported. Alternative solutions typically weigh 3-5 times as much as EPS. It reduces the energy needs associated with transportation and reduces CO2 emissions.
  • EPS has a high compressive strength and is moisture-repellent. Thus, the risk of stacks of fish boxes tipping over or collapsing is minimized.
  • EPS is approved for direct food contact and does not nourish mold and mildew. This minimizes the risk of damage to the transported fish.

There are many strong professional arguments for using EPS as packaging in the fishing industry.  “

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